The Constitutional Eschatology of Decentralization in Kenya: Exploring Federalism's Role in Shaping the Future of Devolution and Regional Autonomy


  • Fred Omweri Kampala International University, Dept. Public Administration and Development Studies, Western Campus-Uganda, Uganda


Constitutional Eschatology, Decentralization, Devolution, Federalism, Regional Autonomy, Counties


This research examines Kenya's governance evolution from centralization to decentralization, focusing on the implementation of devolution following the 2010 Constitution and exploring federalism as a potential future trajectory. The study analyzes the successes, challenges, and limitations of the current devolved system in achieving equitable development and improved governance. It traces Kenya's governance structures from pre-colonial times through the present, employing a multidisciplinary approach to assess the impact of recent reforms on historical injustices, resource distribution, and public participation. The research also delves into the ongoing debate surrounding federalism in Kenya, examining how federal structures could potentially manage diversity, resolve conflicts, and promote national unity. Through synthesis of diverse theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, this study contributes to the discourse on decentralization in Africa and offers insights for policymakers considering constitutional reforms to address Kenya's complex socio-political landscape and development needs.


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How to Cite

Omweri, F. (2024). The Constitutional Eschatology of Decentralization in Kenya: Exploring Federalism’s Role in Shaping the Future of Devolution and Regional Autonomy. International Journal of Innovative Scientific Research, 2(3), 37–67. Retrieved from


