Exploring the Etiopathogenesis of Dḥāt al-ri’a (Pneumonia)
A Review of Insights from Unani Medicine Perspectives
Dḥāt al-ri’a, Pneumonia, Etiopathogenesis, Unani medicineAbstract
Pneumonia is still an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide in young and elderly individuals which is caused by an infection that inflames the lung’s air sacs (alveoli). The air sacs may fill up with fluid or pus causing symptoms such as fever, chills, and difficulty in breathing. Unani medicine one of the ancient system of medicine founded by Hippocrates is based on the concept of equilibrium and balance of natural body humours (blood, bile, phlegm, and black bile). When these humours are normal in quantity and quality, human remain healthy. The imbalance and irregular distribution causes disease such as waram(swelling). According to Unani concept, Dḥāt al-ri’a (Pneumonia) is a waram that is produced in the lungs due to any kind of humours. Unani scholars combat the disease with a multidirectional approach where they recommended various treatment modalities like ‘Ilāj bi’l Ghidhā’(Dieto-therapy), ‘Ilāj bi’l Dawā’ (Pharmacotherapy), and ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbῑr (Regimental therapy) with several preventive measures while the basic treatment is‘Ilāj bi’l zid i.e. treatment is in contrast to Mizāj (temperament) of the disease. Despite the use of numerous newer therapeutic regimens, it has to be confronted because of recurrence and resistance. The holistic approach of Unani treatment will have thriving management of diseases with temperamental affiliation. In this article, we have tried to explore the etiopathogenesis of Dḥāt al-ri’a described by various Unani scholars, together with its analytical study. It is hoped that the paper will develop a new way of treatment and research of Dḥāt al-ri’a.
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