Effect of Some Air Pollutants on Forage of Apis cerana indica Fab. in Semi-Field Condition


  • Pallavi Jagadeesh Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu 608002, India
  • Periasamy Vijayan Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu 608002, India


Apis cerana indica, Sunflower, Aerosol pollutants, Foraging, Toxicity effects


Studies were carried out in semi-field condition to assess the effect of impact of selected aerosol pollutants viz. Agrochemical pesticides, Vehicular smoke and crop residual smoke on forage of Asianhoneybee (Apis cerana indica) visits on sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The highest average number of honeybee visits was observed in the morning followed by noon and afternoon (9 AM to 2 PM) on sunflower. The maximum number of honeybee visits was recorded 85% on control and the maximum average time spent by the honey bee noticed was 58 min. The minimum honeybee visits was and maximum average time spent noted was 40 min on the pesticide treated sunflowers. Whereas the maximum average time spent on the vehicular smoke polluted flowers was 36 min. analysis demonstrated that a significant effect between the head diameter and the number of seed settings in relation with the number of honey bee visits on all 3 polluted fields of sunflower. The foraging activity, toxicity effects, sub- lethal behavioral effects were depending upon the time of exposure to the contaminants.


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How to Cite

Jagadeesh, P., & Vijayan, P. (2024). Effect of Some Air Pollutants on Forage of Apis cerana indica Fab. in Semi-Field Condition. Inventum Biologicum: An International Journal of Biological Research, 4(4), 161–168. Retrieved from https://journals.worldbiologica.com/ib/article/view/139



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