Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Use of Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India
Traditional Healers, Wild Edible Plants, Medicinal Plants, Indigenous Knowledge, Sustainable Plant ResourceAbstract
This study investigates the traditional knowledge surrounding the use of wild edible and medicinal plants among traditional healers in Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India. These healers play a crucial role in safeguarding and transmitting indigenous wisdom about local flora with therapeutic and nutritional applications. By employing methods such as structured interviews, participant observation, and field visits, the research catalogs the diversity of plant species, their preparation techniques, and utilization patterns. The findings underscore the richness of traditional knowledge and the indispensable role wild plants play in local healthcare and nutrition systems. This study also emphasizes the urgent need to preserve this heritage in the face of modern challenges, offering valuable insights for future research and promoting the sustainable use of plant resources.
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