Holistic Therapy – An Integrative Approach to Physical and Mental Wellbeing
Holistic Therapy, Integrative Approach, Physical-Mental Wellbeing, Methodologies, Holistic Practices, OutcomesAbstract
Holistic therapy has gained prominence as a complementary approach to conventional medical treatments. It emphasizes the interconnection between the body, mind, and spirit, aiming to achieve overall wellness. This article delves into the effectiveness of holistic therapy, drawing on current research and critical perspectives to evaluate its role in promoting health and well-being. Holistic therapy, an integrative approach to physical and mental well-being, encompasses a range of practices that address the individuals as a whole, rather than focusing on isolated symptoms. This research article explores the efficacy of holistic therapy in improving physical and mental health outcomes, examining various modalities including acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and naturopathy. Critiques from contemporary researchers and practitioners are analysed to provide a balanced perspective on the benefits and limitations of holistic therapy. This research article depicts the impact and results of holistic therapies on physical and mental well-being, critically analysing the methodologies and outcomes of various holistic practices.
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