Diversity of Zooplankton in the Lentic Ecosystem of Lake


  • Sanjay Kumar Vishwakarma Department of Zoology, Chhatrasal Govt. P.G. College, Panna (M.P.), India
  • Rasmay Datta Department of Zoology, Chhatrasal Govt. P.G. College, Panna (M.P.), India
  • Rishabh Dev Saket Department of Zoology, Chhatrasal Govt. P.G. College, Panna (M.P.), India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1456-0864


Zooplanktons, Lentic ecosystem, Physico-chemical properties, Lentic lake


Zooplankton are numerous organisms found in almost all water bodies. The study of plankton is a valuable method for assessing the biotic potential of water bodies and contributes to understanding their overall biological characteristics and economic potential. Zooplankton are microscopic, free-floating organisms that are crucial to the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. As a vital link in the energy transfer between phytoplankton and higher aquatic animals, zooplankton are key biotic components, playing a significant role in aquatic environments. They influence food chains, food webs, energy flow, and nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems.

Zooplankton populations serve as important indicators of the stability of food chains. Various environmental factors, such as pH, temperature, salinity, and oxygen levels, affect zooplankton populations. They play a critical role in the transfer of energy between primary and tertiary trophic levels. Additionally, zooplankton are indicators of the physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in aquatic systems due to their high densities. Since they are highly sensitive to environmental changes, shifts in the abundance or composition of certain species can be used to assess the health of the ecosystem.


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How to Cite

Vishwakarma, S. K., Datta, R., & Saket, R. D. (2024). Diversity of Zooplankton in the Lentic Ecosystem of Lake. Inventum Biologicum: An International Journal of Biological Research, 4(4), 16–22. Retrieved from https://journals.worldbiologica.com/ib/article/view/92



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