India's Importance and Obstacles in Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050


  • Abha Tripathi Department of Chemistry, Kulbhaskar Ashram PG College in Prayagraj, UP, India
  • Sanjay Srivastava Department of Chemistry, Kulbhaskar Ashram PG College in Prayagraj, UP, India
  • Supriya Yadav Research Scholar, SHUATS, Prayagraj, UP, India
  • Manoj Kumar Singh Department of Horticulture, Kulbhaskar Ashram PG College in Prayagraj, UP, India
  • Param Prakash Singh Department of Chemistry, Kulbhaskar Ashram PG College in Prayagraj, UP, India

Mots-clés :

BRICS, Atmosphere changes, COVID-19, GHGs, Net-zero emissions


The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) emerging economies will have a big impact on the direction of the world economy and environment. Their carbon-intensive economic systems have a major role in the worldwide production of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which is what causes climate change. But in the interest of a sustainable and climate-neutral global economy, the BRICS have entered the contest to emerging net. But there are chances and difficulties along the way. Regarding the impact on net-zero trajectories, scientists' responses to the spread of the coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19) were not uniform. Although statistical evidence indicates a relationship COVID-19 and a drop in overall emissions, it is anticipated that COVID-19 hampered affected to create CO2 reduced economies. More inquiry is thus still required to fully understand how COVID-19 may affect efforts to achieve net-zero, particularly in emerging nations. To reach net-zero emissions by 2050, governments and stakeholders must concentrate on removing the obstacles while taking advantage of the possibilities brought about by the pandemic.


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Comment citer

Tripathi, A., Srivastava, S., Yadav, S., Singh, M. K., & Singh, P. P. (2023). India’s Importance and Obstacles in Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050. Inventum Biologicum: An International Journal of Biological Research, 3(4), 87–90. Consulté à l’adresse



Review article