Role of Biodiversity in Ecological Sustainability
An Ecoagricultural Perspective
Agroecosystems, Sustainability, Soil fertility, Biodiversity, Pest controlAbstract
According to growing evidence, the level of internal control of function in agroecosystems is substantially determined by the amount of plant and animal diversification present. Biodiversity in agroecosystems provides a number of ecological functions in addition to food production, including as nutrient recycling, microclimate management, local hydrological process regulation, suppression of undesired species, and noxious chemical detoxification. The importance of biodiversity in crop protection, soil fertility and human health is examined in detail in this paper. It is suggested that the sustainability of biodiversity-mediated renewal processes and ecological services is dependent on the preservation of biological integrity and variety in agroecosystems. Agroecosystem management and design strategies that improve functional biodiversity in agricultural fields are discussed.
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