Russian Poplars (Populus deltoides) Boon or Bane

Perception of Residents of Kashmir Valley


  • Khursheed Ahmad Wani Department of Environmental Science, Govt. Degree College Bijbehara, Kashmir, J&K 192124, India
  • Irfan Jamila Department of Zoology, Govt. College for Women, Cluster University, Srinagar, J&K 190001, India
  • Waseem Yaseen Department of Environmental Science, Govt. Degree College Bijbehara, Kashmir, J&K 192124, India
  • Junaid Ahmad Malik Department of Zoology, Govt. Degree College Bijbehara, Kashmir, J&K 192124, India


Populus deltoids, Allergy, Respiratory disease, COVID 19, Kashmir


The objective of the study was to investigate perceptions of Environmental and health aspects of Populus deltoides among the residents of Kashmir valley. An online questionnaire was circulated among 100 students and the results were tabulated. The respondents have different opinions towards the perception on environmental and health aspects of Populus deltoides. 83.1 % of the respondents reported that these trees may also cause other respiratory diseases, Similarly, 83.1% respondents are in agreement that these trees cause nuisance to them and their family members. The early cutting down of branches from these may restrict the spread of cotton tufts as reported by 74.6% of the respondents and again 74.6% of the respondents think that it may cause impact to the economy of farmers in the area.


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How to Cite

Wani, K. A., Jamila, I., Yaseen, W., & Malik, J. A. (2021). Russian Poplars (Populus deltoides) Boon or Bane: Perception of Residents of Kashmir Valley. Inventum Biologicum: An International Journal of Biological Research, 1(1), 15–19. Retrieved from



Research article